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Information Statistics

Department of Information Statistics
Na, Jonghwa
Location & Office
S1-5 - 113-1, TEL. +82-43-261-2255
The academic program of the department covers a wide range of areas, such as statistical theory, based on the mathematical background of probability, statistical modeling and analysis, data analysis in diverse fields, and particularly statistical computation, Research in the department covers theoretical principles of statistical inference, developing and extending techniques for descriptive and explnatory analysis of data, and designing efficient methods for experiments and surveys. The faculty members contribute to theory, develop innovative and useful statistical models and methods, and conduct applied statistical scientific investigations through simulation techniques by computer.

The demand for graduates students in statistics has steadily increased as the technology of data handling in society and science has grown in complexity. well-trained graduates(BS, MS, and PhD)are in high demand at places such as universities, research laboratories, government agencies, financial institutes, and business organizations.